Thursday, June 12, 2008


So, as I try to clean house.....I am amazed at the sheer clutter that is my life. How did I accumulate so much STUFF over my lifetime? I have no idea. I only wish I was the type of person that could simply throw away things like old birthday cards or old pictures taken YEARS ago that don't have much meaning anymore. I'm not that type of person. So, the clutter continues. I am in a purging mood, however, so LOOK OUT! I am going to try to become a minimalist. Good luck to me. And I need to still figure out what to pack for a week at the lake....that should be fun to do! Ahhh....

1 comment:

Amanda said...

YOU? YOU have a problem throwing things away? The girl with her high school pics in her mom's garage? :) You're silly.

I WISH I could get rid of things the way that you do. Want to swap houses for a bit so we can clear stuff out?